
States of Mind

Opening: 6:00-8:00PM July 5th, 2017

Running: July 5 – August 3, 2017

Featuring: Forrest R. Bailey, Hayne Bayless, Cathering Christiano, Victor Filepp, Ellen Gaube, Bryan Gorneau, Susan Hickman, Judith Barbour Osborne, T. Willie Raney, Diana Rogers, Rick Silberberg, and Jill Vaughn

“States of Mind” is a new exhibition by twelve southeastern Connecticut artists that form the co-operative artist group called Gallery One.  The strength of this exhibition is derived from the diversity of backgrounds and experiences of the artists represented.  Each artist’s work is their individual creation with its own rhythm, life, language, and heritage.

Catherine Christiano, artist and exhibition co-chair, notes that “Perhaps by looking at the different ways in which others create we enrich our understanding of our own approaches while gaining an appreciation of others.”  Art is a reflection of life and, as is said at the end of the film Being There starring Peter Sellers, “Life is a state of mind.”  Expect to find paintings, drawings, sculpture, photography, and ceramics in styles that range from representational to abstract.

This interesting and varied show of more than 50 works opens with a reception, free and open to the public, on Saturday, July 6th, from 6-8pm with pianist William Groth.  The gallery will be open Wednesday-Saturday from 1-6pm or by appointment.